Nothing against Wal-Mart frames mind you. I’ve got a couple in the studio even. But your site is perhaps your most important marketing tool. Is “good enough for someone else” good enough to base your business on? Or are you after something bigger – a web presence which matches your personality, style and with features that make navigation easy and boosts sales?
The only restrictions in a fully customized site are the number of slideshows and text pages. Otherwise pretty much anything else goes. Sure, there are a few things I don’t do – thumbnails on slideshows and music on a site, and if our design styles don’t gel we might have problems, but otherwise I do whatever it takes to make your site sell.
I take the time to get to know your personality and your business, so your site captures the look you’re after. And if I make a suggestion, or turn down one of yours, I explain why, based on sound experience and when possible, Google Analytics.