More smiles: Doing what you love, one face at a time
Portrait photographers – whether it’s kids, families, seniors or events and weddings you shoot – let’s put your face out there first
Believe it or not … it’s your story, your smile and your style that’s going to make your phone ring.
I hear it over and over … “it’s not my photography that gets me the job. It’s my personality.” People call the photographers they feel a connection with. It’s often the first person called who gets the job.
Let’s face it, the average person can’t tell the difference between a good photo and a great photo. So what moves someone to pick up the phone is what feel your site puts off. I’m not talking about filling every spare inch with design, because clean, uncluttered and elegant sells better.
But there are ways to modify the mood – artsy, quirky, casual, emotional – all are feelings which can be conveyed with a couple of simple additions. Your logo, the choice of typeface and most important – a short tagline telling what you do – all telegraph to the visitor what to expect.
When you set a mood before they see the images, the visitor’s experience is colored by that mood. You’re not going to appeal to everyone, but you’re going to really appeal to those who are looking for your style.
Besides, you can’t appeal to everyone. I’m good, but not that good.
If you’re in a competitive market and you’re not ranking well on Google, then likely you’re not going to for a long time. Which means getting out there and selling yourself. I can help with Facebook and other social media, with creating business cards, flyers – anything that gets your face and name in front of interested people.