Take control of your career, your image and build your audience
Sure, I’ll help with social media and design your commerce page, but I’ll also build you a permanent home on the web
Music was my first love (well, after Kara Thompson who broke my heart in first grade*). I remember watching the Beatles cartoon show and then later the Monkees, the Partridge Family, and knew what I wanted to be when I grew up. The result of which is I’ve followed the trends and machinery of the music business for about fifty years now. Whilst I might have given up my dreams of being a rock and roll star, (the word might being the operative one there), I do get to work with some of my favorite musicians.
I’ve worked with recording artists, bar bands, classical composers, festival and tour promoters and record labels. I watched the industry go from being centralized to the present, where the interesting things are happening on a small scale, on the fringes of what the music business is today..
It might seem like Facebook is all a musician or band needs, that’s shortsighted. Social media comes and goes, they change their algorithms and you find you can no longer reach the online audience you’ve built up over the years. That’s where your own website comes in.

Properly setup, your website integrates with social media, builds a mailing list of fans and followers, and doesn’t eat up your time. If you’re selling music it becomes your store front. Most important, it allows you to find willing ears from Google and other search engines.
And isn’t that what it’s all about, getting more people to hear you?
In addition to websites, Green Man offers:
- Email marketing
- Logo and graphic design
- Album cover design
- Business cards
- Photography
- A willing pair of ears and ideas
I’ll also act as go between for any print jobs you might need done, helping you select the best printer for the best price and ensuring they have what they need to make your project look great.
Let’s talk
Call 631-935-4726 or click here
A selection of work for musicians

*It wasn’t her fault. Some alignment of stars and planets must have occurred the last day of first grade, for suddenly we found ourselves together. We slid down the slide after each other on the playground, I pushed her as she swung and we held hands. I still remember how small her hand felt in mine. All summer long I waited for the first day of second grade, only to have my spirit crushed when I found out during the summer she had moved away. I did see her a number of years later, when she was in high school and working the McDonald’s drive through. My heart leapt but alas, she had forgotten how magical it was. Woe.