Step up from the free solutions and build a permanent home for your writing
Say it with style and spread it across all channels with easy to use, time saving tools
Bloggers have a lot of options, many of them free. So why pay for a custom designed blog or author’s website?
Your writing is unique. If you’re a photographer, so are your images Together, we can give your blog personality … your personality, without you spending countless hours learning, using and maintaining software.
I keep it simple, and teach you what you need to know. Your site is set up securely and I teach you best practices for keeping it that way. You get up to speed with reputable SEO practices, and I help you find the niche your blog can fill that sets you apart from everyone else. After all, blogging is about individuality.
What about social media?
I make it easy to share your posts, and automatic when you add a post to get it on Facebook, Twitter, whatever your social media choices are.
Keep it stylish and secure
I build self hosted WordPress site, as well as provide some customization to sites on Self hosting allows a wide variety of design flexibility, it’s easy to add content and they look great. Best of all, they offer the functions of many plugins, built in.
What’s wrong with plugins? Security and maintenance. Plugins are frequent targets of hackers, and outdated plugins are one of the leading causes of broken websites.
I guarantee you won’t start blogging without knowing what you’re doing. I won’t forget you down the road either, as support is never ending. You ask, I answer.
Already have a blog and need to migrate it to WordPress? I can help with that too, without losing your SEO value.
Let’s talk
Call 631-935-4726 or click here
A selection of work for writers and bloggers